
5 Spiritual Truths to Live By

November 9, 2020

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My superpower is helping women become the best version of themselves while pursuing the kind of life they actually want.... one with abundant freedom, joy, and peace.

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I know a lot spiritual truths can sound very unrealistic. When someone says that we’re all one, what does that really mean? How do you live the truth in your daily life?

In this spirituality blog post, you will find 9 truths that you may or may not have heard of. There is a brief explanation, followed by some suggestions on ways to can enact these truths in your daily life.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Spiritual Truth 1: We Are All Connected.      

Imagine we are like icebergs floating in the ocean. We’re all separate and unique but made out of the same ocean water; floating in that consciousness all the time. As we let go of our unconscious ego self, we melt more into the ocean of consciousness. And by doing so we can come into a deeper and more natural flow of life, rather than running into those icebergs. 

How you can live this truth: 

  • Offer kindness to other human beings and animals. 
  • Let go of the need to take revenge and holding onto grudges. 
  • Find ways to help those who are suffering

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Spiritual Truth 2: Life Is Changing. 

Wherever you go in life, always expect change and this can be in a good way. Even as you are reading this, some kind of change is taking place around you and also within you. Our bodies are constantly undergoing some kind of change as new cells are created to replace the old ones. 

 How can you live this truth: 

  • Embrace the moment and the opportunities. 
  • Do what you love now and don’t wait for the perfect moment.
  • Appreciate the people and the situations already in your life.

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Spiritual Truth 3: Your Ego Is Made Up. 

Your ego is a conglomeration of social conditioning from family, friends and society as well as animal and instinctual behavioral traits. What does this actually mean though? It basically means that you can change your ego and be anyone you want to be. However, to truly be anyone you want to be, you need to understand the rules and ideas you are living by. 

How can you live this truth: 

  • Practice being open and vulnerable.
  • Heal old wounds 
  • Learn to find your blind spots. 


Spiritual Truth 4: We Only Get One Body. 

 The concept of afterlife and reincarnation and other things often come up, but our physical reality is that we are in a body and we only have the one that we have for this lifetime. Modern medical science can only repair that much, and to fully embrace the lifetime, we must embrace the body. 

How can you live this truth: 

  • Eat good food and take care of your body. 
  • Enjoy the physical abilities that you have.
  • Appreciate and Love your body.

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Spiritual Truth 5: You Are Always Here And Now 

We can always get lost in the mind and forget that our life right now is the most important. It is important to always be present, by being here and now. There is no way to have an experience in the past or future.  Because even if you did go to your past through a time machine, it is still the present. 

 How can you live this truth: 

  • Notice when you are lost in thought and try to come back to reality. 
  • Take time to take deep breaths and breathe mindfully during the day. 
  • Slow down. 


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HELLo, Meet Pamela

Pamela Jones is a seeker of Soulful + Sacred Living. She is a Conscious Creator and award-winning photographer and Lightworker, Yoga Teacher, Sound Healer, Wellness Entrepreneur and Retreat Leader of Extraordinary Experiences. Pamela has led Luxury Wellness retreats around the world for the last decade. Her Retreats have benefited various global organizations and NGO’s around the World. Her brand, OmLuxe has raised over $100,000 USD to date for important causes dear to her heart.


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